Welcome to the Dental Health and Well Being Podcast for the Brisbane Community. Every month Dr Shilpa and Dr Krish will share their tips and tricks about Dentistry and shed some light on the best ways of maintaining your teeth.
Hey Guys
This is Dr Shilpa. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and finished their Xmas shopping. Not long to go now – 17 days to Xmas and the count-down begins
I want to share with you all today the importance of Active maintenance of teeth and what this means to us.
Lot of people ask me, why do I have to go to the dentist when everything feels fine and there is no pain. It is very similar to servicing your car.
Why do we service our car? This is to make sure everything is running smooth and effectively and we don’t run into major problems when we least expect them. It is also to prevent small issues escalating into bigger problems in the future and costing more money.
Let’s take for example, If the car needs spark plugs replaced and this problem is picked up at the servicing appointment. Before it escalates into a bigger problem where it can affect the engine of the car, the spark plugs are changed. This prevents major expense later on for the cost of a new engine. Another important point is safety, which is a big concern when driving with faulty spark plugs as that could lead to an accident.
It’s the same with gums and teeth. During the maintenance visit we do a comprehensive assessment to check their health and pick up on any problems before things escalate.
What are some of the problems that can arise you may ask???
This can include…
Gingivitis or gum disease as its most commonly called. This is caused by plaque and tartar deposits that form around the gums line of the teeth. Some people tend to get more tartar than others but it is so important to get all that cleaned off. You may be brushing twice a day but this is not enough to remove the tartar is it forms hard crystal like deposits which needs to be cleaned professionally with a scaler under pressure.
Gum disease doesn’t cause pain initially but as it progresses, the tartar causes the gums to shrink and recede. It also can erode the bone holding the teeth which eventually causes the teeth to fall out. It is very important to keep vigilant for some of the signs and symptoms of gingivitis.
This can be red, swollen gums, bleeding on brushing and bad odour. Gum disease in the worst-case scenario can result in infections which can be painful and life threatening. Hence It is crucial that you see us at least every 6 months so we can clean your teeth and gums and remove the build-up that causes the gum disease.
Other problems include leaking fillings from wear and tear of eating and chewing, chipped teeth or broken teeth. These issues in the early stages don’t necessarily cause pain and most people are unaware that something is going on.
If not picked up and addressed soon, the decay can make its way into the teeth and can rot the teeth. This can result in the nerve being exposed causing incredible amount of pain or infection. The treatment becomes expensive when it gets to this stage hence early detection and repair of the teeth will avoid pain and a big bill.
Dental health should be taken seriously as it can affect the rest of the body such as the heart and other organs.
I hope everyone can now understand and appreciate the importance of active maintenance. Our philosophy is that prevention is far better than treating any disease. We adopt a proactive approach rather than being reactive and attend to the problems before it’s too late.
So, guys don’t leave things till the last minute. Be more proactive and see your dentist for your active maintenance/recall appointment if you haven’t already done so.
If you have any questions please give us a call and one of our lovely team members will be able to assist you and answer your questions.
Thank you for listening to my podcast today and I hope everyone has a wonderful Xmas and a happy new year. Stay safe during the festive season.